Since young i already admire Unit-Beruniform - UNIFORMs...
i like wearing UNIFORMs and tug in and respect the UNIFORMs... XD
Well... i'm kinda a gila-Pangkat fella... used to be la...
i like to make myself felt important once in a blue moon but i always feared that my skills are not as good as the look of my uniforms... :(
i'm currently an above 18 years-old scout where i have a RED thing on my UNIFORMs...
it is called ROVERS or Kelana

well... our main purpose of ROVERS is to check out and look after the Scout Juniors in High SChool Klang...
actually the ROVERS had their own activities and their badges to pass but we ignore them as there are left a few of ROVERS and none of them do such things except to help District Commissioner of KLANG (Persuruhjaya Daerah Klang) in activity he planned...
Since our ROVERS is to look after the Juniors...
there is once when there is an Expedition Walking to Bukit Cahaya by the Juniors...
We drive to supervise and i'm wearing my Full-Uniforms to show off... hahaha XP
there are some Seniors of the Seniors (older than me) they wear Scout T-shirts...
we meet up at a meeting pointing where the Juniors are suppose to Rest...
luckily the Juniors ask the Seniors questions on Compass and stuff...
i really clueless as some of the things i didnt learn and forgotten how...
*thank god they ask them and they know how to answer... =D
it's been bothering me since... hahaha.. well.. it's nice to show off my UNIFORMS once in a while... =D
Trying my best to help them in any ways i can... =D
hmmm... planning to get a Tauliah or considered Trained or Certified to train people...
but somehow the UNIFORMS is form5 clothing... hahaha... 5 years d lo...
some more it is passed down from my brother... hahaha... lagi teruk...
so almost cannot wear d... so tight i seemed to be can burst... =P the button might fly away.. hahaha...
if really committed i should get one...
but scare once in a blue moon only wear... wat for buy kan ?? aduh !
this is another bothering situation... some more the UNIFORM not cheap le... XD
anyway... just wanted to say out...
maybe mostly not buying the new UNIFORM d la...
just wear long pants, t-shirt... =D
signing out...
take care
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