Random~~ XD
well.. from this two pictures here, can u guess wat i want to blog about ?? hmmm...
from the second picture it's obvious that i drive dangerously ?? (anyone still wants me to fetch?) XP
and it's also obvious that i'm not looking at pretty girl or a naked girl on the street right ?
it's very very very really obvious i'm looking at a..... (i think everyone should know right?)
if dont know... feel free to call me and ask k? XD
i want to blog this picture is because...
(go to 1st question) -can u guess wat i want to blog about ??
anyone have any idea ??
it's ok.. dont want u guys to overheat ur brain...
the reason why i blog this picture is... want to wastetime by not doing assignments.. hahaha

anyway.. let's get back to the real reason.. the picture taken.. somehow rather... make my car feels so nice and so cooling.. dont u guys think so ?? but wait.. the real picture actually looked nice and cooling but in here i see again like tak ada pun one ?? hahaha.. interesting..
maybe u see only just my head then it looking nice and cooling but when u see my body it's like... argh.. hot..~~ ?? XP
hahaha... sweat... but actually that day my car is really comfortable.. this picture was taken long time ago.. dunno when.. but long time ago.. hahaha..
k la.. dont want to watse your time d by stopping this random post.. hahaha..
take care..~~ XP