Hehe... wow… Tuck Long suddenly so good and so free ar ???
keep updating d wor… amazing !!!
Well… trying to make use of all my time and of course avoid wasting time… =D
(actually got Reports, Camp Accounts and Office stuffs haven’t do also)
So, by making use of my time, I BLOG… isn’t that good of me ??? =D

So back to the picture I uploaded last blog and I asked u all to think wat is it about…
Remember ??? it’s okay u all didn’t remember … I wont angry 1…
(haihz… all same like me short term memory 1… zzz…) =P

I uploaded it again… well… any wild guesses ???
This is the 1st thing that I did with my cousins in 2010 January 1st wei !!!
It is so so so coooooooL le… it’s been years we played the game as I said before me and my cousins go Genting since I was form3… 2003 till 2009… the games is like… like that lo…

But now !! 2010… the new YEAR… they turned the GAME which is………………………………………………
----->Bowling<----- into a GLOW IN THE DARK BOWLING…!!! Totally out of this world !!!
They even on the music loud like mad… ---[well, I enjoyed It as my cousins too]---
But im sure that some people don’t like it because it’s too loud… =D
In a way, my cousins keep telling me that we are in a night club… hahaha… for kids… =P
Ganas wei… they even know wat clubbing is… (that’s why I said they grown up a lot) =D

It turned out to be a cool place… hahaha… good marketing skills… It had made my 2010 first day enjoyable and worth our money… =D at least I see my cousins enjoyed even more… that’s the most important right… =D
Okay… let’s end here as I think it’s quite long d this post…
(plz tell me whether… is this 2 posts too long???)
And here u go… another picture to think about… =D see wat is it all about… =P

Enjoy !!! and take care in the year of 2010 !!!