I think someone will miss you a lot... hahaha... only some will understand this...
not to worry... those who dont understand plz ignore this picture... hahaha... =D
I’m back !! !
Hahaha… wanted to update so badly but somehow no time la… =P
You know who you are right… (who asked me to update) hahaha… =D
So happen that I’m free d from my internship assignment… suddenly I feel so ringan le my Shoulder… hahaha… with the assignment hanging with me, my shoulder suddenly feel heavy again… hehehe… =P
Supposedly my shoulder very Ringan d one… but suddenly… heard one of my internship friends the assignment, in-charge person called her and told her she do wrong d… now my Shoulder suddenly heavy again… hahaha… let’s pray that I passed la… =D
So back to the picture you all saw… kinda regretted that I didn’t take it’s full picture… sweat la… so now I’m telling you all wat is it all about but u have to imagine lo… it’s a good thing also la I didn’t take because you all can train your imagination skills ma…

Maybe you all go Genting right… you all got something to do lo… remember my this post and try to find that particular picture and try to guess where I took the picture… hehehe…
So, from my chatbox, I saw some participation but all wrong… haha… Ben almost got it correctly some more… hehehe…
At first, the main reason I took that picture is because like wat May Jiuan had said… “According to that pic..i can only see someone's head got chopped down and he criedd...got tears..hahaha!”
Tuck Long thought, “ Please, No Head Cutting in the Hotel, (some blood spill out from the head)…” hahaha… scary… that’s why I took the picture… it looked so interesting and it trained all of my reader’s imagination skill le… hahaha… No spill & no Muntah-Muntah… hahaha… cooL wei… hehehe…
Well… the actual meaning of the picture is… No SPITTING… hahaha.. I’m wondering whether Ben got it correctly or not… wrong spelling only ? hahaha… but anyway… good Imaginations skill ya everyone.. Well Done… give yourself a clap… =D
Hmmm… I forgotten what I wanted to blog about d actually… hahaha… sweat… anyway… took some picture for fun when having fun with my cousins…

Relative Outing in Sunway Pyramid and we meet up with Sunway Pyramid’s Lion… hahaha… bluff small girl girl and boy boy one… =P

I heard or saw from someone’s blog… Pictures show a thousand words or something… I forgotten d… hahaha… =D but i'm not gay and i'm not a lion player k... so dont simply think ya... =D

Oh yeah… now I remembered what to say d… hahaha… I wanna show you all this picture…
It’s a good picture and I think it’s a good point too…
Straight to the point… Short… Simple… Sweet…
It’s easy to understand… just love the way they do it !!! hahaha… smart… =D

Oh yeah… straight away remembered what to blog about d… hahaha… after seeing the picture now I know what to say d… =D hehehe..
This guy looks cooL wei… “there’s a SHE WOLF in the closet” (He Wolf???) =P hehehe…
I lousy at taking hidden picture la… he suddenly skate in front of me… then the brother came along… I was like… haiya… why you come… I cannot take d lo… because the brother looking at me… but I was like… don’t care d la… don’t take now… no more chance d…
The brother knows that I wanted to take picture… so he whisper to this He Wolf guy… then he looked confuse and looked at my phone’s camera… hahaha… then I faster take… then walk away…
muahahaha… now u all can enjoy d lo… can see the He Wolf version of Shakira… =P
K la… end of blog… clueless d what to write… take care and enjoy…
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