So anyone of u know wat is this ?? my god... it has been a number missing since last months... but we manage to find it.. 2 on the roof top of the toilet.. which is removable where u can see the lights' wires and pipes... and 1 inside the flush where the water suppose to be filled up and then flush again...
so at the end, we recovered 3 Starters rather than 6... but the story is just beginning.. We are trying to guess and catch whoever is responsible in this act of immorality... making others have to "Pang Sai" and "Shi Shi" in the DARK... so UNFAIR !! but luckily my Boss got buy spare so we just replace it only... hehe...
anyway.. this happened in my work place... which most of u who know me happens to know wat place it would be... the centre's name will be placed under PRIVATE and CONFIDENTIAL~~
thinking... whether is the parents' problem for not educating the children properly or because the children are harder to teach these days...
well.. really speechless that these kind of things would happen in my work place...
it's suprising... it's unbelievable... it's shocking...
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