Saturday, November 21, 2009

Yesterday NIGHT

Yesterday NIGHT i had a big fight...

Was about to SLEEP but i saw.....

>-------1 hour earlier-------<

when i was taking a shower....

when i finished my bath....

i saw... i saw... i saw.......

LIPAN !!!!! (centipede??)

it was big... long... and a lot a lot a lot of LEGS !!!!!

and most importantly... it is BLACK in COLOUR !!!!!!! (must be very poisonous)

i take out my trusty old tissue carrier... those in toilet one... cover ur tissue from water one.. i scoop up the LIPAN... and it was a hell of fight...

the LIPAN tried to escape... i just finished my bath... so i pitied the LIPAN and let the LIPAN survive... the LIPAN was out of breath.. the LIPAN stopped moving....

and from that moment.. i assumed it was dead.. and i scoop the LIPAN up... and it starts moving again... like nobody's business....

so i shouted to my sister to get me a plastic bag... i put the LIPAN in the plastic bag and throw it outside my house... on the road side but unfortunately.. it fell to the longkang... =P

when everything cool down... i management to tug in my warm comfy bed... about to close my eyes....

<-------1 hour later------->
(the timing is a fake one) =P

my brother went in to take his bath and he shouted shit.. was is that !!
he didnt wear his spec.. so he cant see well and his eyes was in pain because dunno why itchy and he scratch it.. so he was not sure but he acknowledge the powerful LIPAN...

so i ran to his assistance and remember it must be same LIPAN or it was just the LIPAN's Girlfriend or Boyfriend.. =P

my brother insisted on splashing the LIPAN with water and push the LIPAN back to the toilet floor hole.. the one the water should drain away.... but i stop him... wanting to catch it and let it go... (no killing) but i got a feeling it might danger the others.. i dunno wat to do but insisted on letting it go...

well.. me and my brother was discussing and lose track of it... sweat.... my brother wants to splash it away but i stop him.. so it manage to ran away.. since no choice d, we spend quite some time to splash water on the door to see the LIPAN will drop out or not.. because we lost track of it when the LIPAN reaches the door...

my brother gave up.. he went to my elder brother's room to shower.. i then tried to stay awake... and keep looking at the toilet door and as well as the nearby

Manatau... the LIPAN really came out.. through the another end of the Closet.. sweat.. we lost track of it and the LIPAN manage to run away to the other end of the Closet.. amazing !

luckily i asked my sister not to play computer d.. if not i might miss it again... and my sister will be in DANGER... =P (kononnya)

well.. then i remember my brother got keep the limited edition tins for the Alcohol drinks.. those have to add water one... clubbing type drinks.. well.. my brother keep the tins...

i took up the tins and catch the LIPAN and showed my brother.. hahaha.. he scolded me.. celaka everytime use my tin... (i used the tins to catch cockroach before, catch butterfly-looking with spider legs.. dunno wat is it but it looks like the Spider have sex with the Butterfly.. and that's their new baby or something..)

so at the end.. my brother ask me to throw to the forest... i saw a guard sitting there.. he asked me is it a BLACK or RED LIPAN !! i said it is a BLACK one... and throw the LIPAN to the forest.. but the FOREST le... got people cucuk tanam there one.. sweat.. hope the LIPAN pandai pandai run away lo.. hopefully the Cucuk Tanam guy didnt kena anything la.. while the LIPAN.. second chance to live run away.. as far as possible la !!

the guard was stunned.. because i said it is a BLACK LIPAN and ask me should throw on the floor and KASI DIA MATI !!!!

but i said.. it's tooooo lateeee..... i throw d... then i went in my house....


once again.. the day is SAVED.. thanks to....

The Powerpuff Girls....


1 comment:

qianqian said...

who are the power puff girls?